Saturday, 12 October 2019

MA SEM-1(Indian writing in English)

Representation of society in "The Purpose"


Society plays very significant role in any person’s life. As we know that that man is social animal and cannot live by escaping the society, but we should not forget that society also creates kinds of barrier for a man in his lifting up. From the ages, on the different grounds like class, caste, race or gender, rich, poor etc. society plays very vital role in characterization.  Some condition and norms of society just like a thrones in way of flourishing and achievements. Following the same way, society also plays significant role in one’s failure as being partial with.

T.P.Kailasam made a small character of Mahabharata a hero of "The Purpose" and at the same time he criticized the Indian caste & creed system where a talented person is not equally seen.

Kailasam's uniqueness lie not merely not in evoking our sympathies for Eklavvya, Karna, Keechaka but level of tragic heroes - who were masculine, skillful and capable of achievement. Another area of the relationship between education and society is through the arrangement of the entire society into a hierarchical order that is, through the social structure in which education plays a prominent and significant role in fixing educated individuals into social classes.

Kailasam focused tradition on contemporary social problems, a deeply compassionate vision of the human struggle, an almost Shakespearean power to evoke sympathetic laughter and amazing grasp of the living language of man, combined with the gift of using artistically for dramatic purpose.

The concept of purpose is completely changed from the original mythical story. The struggle for one's identity is established through 'Nishada' - Eklavya. Socialization term becomes very important when talking about how society is responsible in education.

Relationship between education and society!

Kailasam's time India divided into castes and subcastes. So, he portraits character as lower class victim of fake rules and regulations that one cannot enjoy even basic fundamental rights. But worthy to note that, Eklavya faced all the problems and comes out in flying Colors. Kailasam transform characters passive victim to active participants.

Exception from society:

No matter how much one may try to escape from the society or to leave the society behind, the society never allows anyone to become independent. Yes, it is truly that man is an integral part of the society but it is necessary for the development of the individual that the society should be rejected when there is a major setback. Not only hard work, effort are sufficient, but a person has to put his life in his steadfast morale. Even so, no matter you escape a society may be, but society will never let you escape! So we should say here that, one should have courage concentration and commitment to fulfill the most difficult task just as Eklavya.

Social system supposes a social structure consisting of different parts which are interrelated in such a way as to perform its functions.

For each function the society is composed of a set of institutions and the social system is closely linked with it in one way or another.
familial institutions, religious institutions, educational institutions,
economic institutions and political institutions.

In the wider society the individual is treated and judged in terms of ‘Universalistic’ standards.

Within the family the child’s status is ascribed, it is fixed by birth. However, in advanced industrial society, status in adult life is largely achieved. Scholars have also analyzed the relationship of education and society in terms of ‘Marxian perspective’. Chief among them are Louis Althusser, Samuel Bowels and Herbert Gintis.

According to Althusser, a French philosopher, as a part of the superstructure, the

educational system is ultimately shaped by infrastructure. It will therefore reflect the relations of production and serve the interests of the capitalist ruling class. It can be also said that education is conditioned by the social structure.

Eklavy's Guru Dakshina:

In our ancient myth, Eklavya was asked to give Dakshina but here the student willingly decides to do so. For dignity of his Guru's promise he gave important part of the body. Social Origins and Orientation of

Students and Teachers:

Education is a social concern. It is a social process. Education has been given greater prominence in India for years.

Main purpose of Eklavya's life:

(1) Eklavya belongs to the third category whose "one aim is in his labour that others might reap the harvest his toils without the least profit to himself."
(2) Lord Krishna of the playlet seems to be debused as highly selfish and partial.

Equality of Educational Opportunity:

The equalization of educational opportunities is essentially linked with the notion of equality in the social system. But for getting an education he must have equal opportunities like other members of the society. Eklavya and Arjuna both have qualities to learn archery but power or caste plays vital role. Even though, he learns himself, he sacrifices his thumb. He embarked upon a programme of self-study in the presence of clay image of Drona. He achieves a level of skill superior to that of Arjuna.

The loyal Eklavya cripple himself, thereby reducing his abilities as in archer. This is that military skills that the prince needed to learn. Eklavya hurts by Drona refuses and practiced in front of the statue every single day. After refusal he struggled a lot and achieved the skill on his own.

Here, we can see Eklavya as subaltern and marginalized hero raised a serious question about caste system and glimpse of…
" How the marginalized tribes were treated by the dominates Aryan people?"

Here, we can find dormant pattern to the treatment of castes and communities. Society stratified and hierarchized on the basis of caste, class, creed and religion.

Caste structure of the society

What happens to their old identities that are defined by their castes and hierarchies in society when they begin identifying with themselves! Idea of identity as defined through VARNASHRAMA. Play reveals the sensibility of T.P.Kailasam in his dealing with the issue of Identity and equality in education.

"It may be easy to overcome one's caste, but to overcome one's caste consciousness is really difficult."

It goes against the rule of morality on hunting expedition in the forest the dog was barking and his mouth was shut by the arrows shot by Eklavya. Dronacharya and Bhishma are representative of society that,.
"How shameless they were, they wore the mask of civility."

Deprived of basic rights if education

Every human being has equal right over education, whether one is King or poor! The key is laid out here on the fact that karma must be given more priority than birth. The right to get his basic punishment from Ekalavya is also stripped, just because he is not a Kshatriya? To what extent can this be justified! Guru Drona does not have to teach archery to Eklavya, yes, it cannot be denied that even Drona himself is not able to impart education and knowledge to every person of the society.

But the question that, "why?" Who has given this right to society to take away the rights of another person?

Individuals such as grandfather Bhishma have spread the evils of immorality in the society. Not only that, it can be fought against other states, but to what extent can one accept that the voice can be heard, the way in which a person can challenge someone is to cut short or take away?

Here, Dronacharya argues and also ready to teach him archery but that time Arjuna reminds Guru Drona his promise and denies to him. Kailasam can linked the broader purpose of nationalist movement of India to rewrite India's past as a foundation of nationalistic feeling, movement and sense of self. He emphasizes on tradition which has requirement of modernization.

Eklavya becomes scapegoat of dominated caste hierarchy. At the end of the play - "The Purpose" Eklavya repents and becomes revolutionary but here one question is raised if Eklavya was true archer! In Mahabharata there is no reference of him after his sacrifice. In handling the theme of "The Purpose" Kailasam lays an emphasis on the power of penance its potentiality of concentration and a single minded efforts on the hand and the purpose of doing a thing on the other.

Thus, Kailasam adopts the modern concept of democracy and socialism is traced in the ancient benevolent monarchy which idea is expressed in the statements like

"the king is like a common man and common man like a king and hero of the play is portrayed as one who is wedded to truth.


After the discussion we can say that, from the ages, lower and middle people are suffering from this hierarchical system of society. Thus, Socialization is the process through which a person, from birth through death, is taught the norms, customs, values, and roles of the society in which they live. This process serves to incorporate new members into a society so that they and it can function smoothly. Society plays a major role in introduction of any person The role of socialization is to acquaint individuals with the norms of a given social group or society

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